Established in 2014, Blue Globe Innovation is a leading innovation consultancy specializing in hackathons, grant funds, and innovation challenges (including grand challenges, recognition prizes, and inducement prizes). Our comprehensive services include challenge research and design, participant capacity support, local participant scouting, and global crowd management.
We strive to help clients achieve their innovation goals by partnering with organizations worldwide and engaging local communities to foster curiosity, creativity, and resourcefulness in developing solutions to the world's most pressing issues.
Our comprehensive innovation consultancy packages, tailored to your needs, can include some or all of the following services:
Blue Globe’s Impact Around the World
Big Education Challenge
Big Change, an education charity, selected Blue Globe Innovation to deliver both outreach and prize management for the Big Education Challenge. With a £1 million prize fund, this large-scale challenge was a clear demonstration of Blue Globe’s Solver Scouting™ services and the power of community outreach.
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Afri-Plastics Challenge
The Afri-Plastics Challenge is a prize funded by the Government of Canada as an element of the $100-million Marine Litter Mitigation Fund. Utilising its Solver Scouting™ strategy, Blue Globe provided support for a large-scale challenge with three strands; rewarding the best solutions to addressing marine plastic litter in a way that promotes gender equality and empowerment of women and girls.
Acoustic Detection of Industrial Equipment Anomalies Challenge
Working in partnership with Equinor, an international energy company, Blue Globe performed its Solver Scouting™ outreach services to detect experts who can identify technologies for automated acoustic monitoring, detection, and identification of abnormal conditions or behaviour of equipment in industrial and production process settings. This was a collaboration opportunity with potential for a $2,000 USD ‘finder’s fee’.
The African Drone Soccer Challenge
Blue Globe Innovation built on its existing connections in Africa to lead the African Drone Soccer Challenge, the continent’s first drone soccer competition, in Lagos, Nigeria.
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Carbon Zero Grand Challenge
Blue Globe Innovation partnered with PUB, Singapore’s national water agency, and other innovation partners to deliver the Carbon Zero Grand Challenge, dedicated to achieving net-zero emissions in water facilities across Singapore.
#crowdmanagement #challengedesign #solverscouting
Duquesne Light Company Challenge Design
Blue Globe worked with subject matter experts (SMEs) at DLC to analyse research and assess the state of the network’s technology.
Solver Scouting™
Blue Globe has developed a bespoke service, Solver Scouting ™, which seeks to identify “hidden” solvers and inform them of the challenge and its requirements.
“Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable.”